/A very wealthy woman from my hometown committed suicide this week. It stopped me in my tracks.
Was she overwhelmed by the holidays? Had something gone terribly wrong in her personal life?
I'll never know.
But one thing is for certain: all the money in the world couldn't save her. Her extraordinary wealth meant nothing in the end. She died alone.
I know it's ridiculous, but I found myself hoping that she wasn't cold when she threw herself into the frigid lake. I wish I could have wrapped her in a warm blanket and told her that everything was going to be OK.
But I was with my son, helping him prepare for the law school entrance exam. Life was going on.
I finished my Christmas shopping early this year, after deciding to keep things simple. Three weeks ago, I ordered our Christmas tree on the internet, and it arrives from Oregon tomorrow, by UPS. Because, of course, my home state of New Hampshire doesn't have any evergreen trees, and every Christmas tree should travel over 3,000 miles to be set up in a living room.
I still want to get a few final things for the people who will actually be with me around my frequent-flyer tree this year. But, remembering the young woman from my hometown, I've decided to do things a little differently.
I'm going to give them gifts without price tags.
I plan to give my son, Ian, my awe. I will tell him that I am perpetually amazed at the zest with which he lives his life, and the happiness he brings to all those around him.
I will give Ian's wife, Ivy, my endless love and respect. I will tell her, again, that she is the most caring, wonderful mother in the world. Because she is.
Ian and Ivy's daughter (my beloved granddaughter!), Rose, will receive my heart. But, really, she already has it.
My son, Peter, will receive my wonder. The way he lives his life is a constant inspiration, and incredibly entertaining (remember the fez!). I will also thank him for giving me the courage to be my own zany self.
I will confer my playfulness upon my sisters. After all, they will always be my first, and most devious, friends.
I'll offer my eternal devotion and affection to my mother in law. Over the past 35 years, she has shown me the meaning of kindness and generosity of spirit, and what it truly means to be a family.
My goddaughter will receive my never ending support. I will always be there for her. Always. Especially when she's a teenager.
But I'll save the last present for Duncan. He will get my everything. Because he is my everything.
This Christmas season, let's all try to focus more on the people we love, rather than the things we give them. Let's create memories, without gift wrap or price tags.
And let's tell the people we love just how much we love them. Over and over.
Under the Christmas tree. Even if it's not a frequent-flyer.